On 4 April this year, I had an interactive stand at the ‘Talent in the classroom’ conference organised by Koninklijke van Gorcum. By listening through headphones and watching videos, delegates had the opportunity to see how the Juan y Rosa learning method works. Besides that, they were able to put their questions to me as the author of the learning method.

Just like every year, the event was well organised and there was a good atmosphere. Keep an eye on the Koninklijke van Gorcum website (https://www.aanmelder.nl/talentindeklas2019) if you would like to attend next year. Please note that most of the programme is in Dutch.
This year the day opened with a lecture by Renata Hamsikova about ‘Exceptionally gifted children – aliens on earth?’ Renata’s website (https://www.ieku.nl/workshop-uitzonderlijk-begaafd/) of IEKU ADVIES opens with a statement by Dr. Linda K. Silverman:
“Mildly, moderately, highly and extraordinarily gifted children are as different from each other as mildly, moderately, severely and profoundly retarded children are from each other, but the differences among levels of giftedness are rarely recognised.”
(Read more information about the gifted on Linda Silverman’s website: https://www.gifteddevelopment.com/staff/linda-silverman)
This indicates that it is necessary to further differentiate within the group of gifted children. The group of gifted people with an IQ of above 145 are even more intense in almost every area: behaviour, emotions, tenacity, experience, etc. In addition, they pick up information very quickly and from everywhere. They combine this information with other knowledge, make connections, use that knowledge and apply it. On the Pharos website (https://pharosnl.nl/verslag-lezing-uitzonderlijk-begaafde-kinderen-renata-hamsikova/) you can read a summary of her lecture in Dutch. (Source used: Growing up Gifted – Developing the Potential of Children at Home and at School by Barbara Clark)
For other information about gifted people, see the website: https://www.mensa.org.uk/gifted-talented.